American Academy of Pediatrics letter to FCC USA
Cancer clusters near towers
Carpenter Bandara Planetary electromagnetic pollution- it is time to assess its impact
Country by Country EMF policies
Country limits may slow down 5g
Declaration-of-Dr.-Andrew-Goldsworthy Portland UK Professor retired
Dr Gerd Oberfeld at Eithne Naylor.Enda Dalton Memorial Lecture, Ireland
EMF Conference 5 Sharon to look thru
EU-EMF2018-6-11US3 - Martin_Pall_PhD_5G_Great_risk_for_EU_US_and_International_Health-Compelling_Evidence
EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016 reveh-2016-0011 with supplements
French Court recognises hypersensitivity as an occupational disease through work
Grand Teton National Park 2019 letter on the environment
Hardell et al Oncology Letters 2018 Radiofrequency radiation from nearby base stations gives high levels in an apartment in Stockholm Sweden- A case report
High levels radiation near Stockholm apartments
Impact of radiofrequency radiation on DNA damage and antioxidants in peripheral blood lymphocytes of humans residing in the vicinity of mobile phone
Important links 5g 17.6.19
Millenials health is dropping
Mobile phones exceed SAR ratings
Precautionary principle re environmental science
ReInventing-Wires-1-25-18 BIG PAPER ON fibreoptics
RFR different country exposures
RFR international.FCC comparative standards
RFR levels study 17 March 2019
Sure health and safety statement
Swiss-Re-recognises 5g as a high risk emerging theme
The sensitivity of children in electromagnetic fields
The_Future_for_Telecoms_strategy Guernsey
Scientist submission letters to Guernsey decision makers
Don Maisch PHd submission 27.6.19
Dr. Christos D. Georgiou letter-CG
Dr Devra Davis 5G letter Guernsey 5G Spectrum_ Draft Statement of Intent
Prof Antony B Miller 5g Statement for Guernsey
Dr Gerd Oberfeld at Eithne Naylor.Enda Dalton Memorial Lecture, Ireland
EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016 reveh-2016-0011 with supplements
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