- Brain tumours from Mobile phones
- Breast Cancer from mobile phone
- Cell phone survivors and non survivors
- David Green BBC Radio interview
- Did you know gaming disorder is now recognised as a disease?
- Dr Angie Colbeck testimony
- Dr Devra Davis: Comprehensive talk on all you would rather not know about the health risks of EMFs
- Dr Devra Davis - Digital dementia in children, halving of sperm rate etc
- Dr Devra Davis talks at University of Melbourne
- Dr Mary Redmayne talks about wireless radiation to children
- George Carlo on why we should learn from the tobacco industry on wireless radiation
- LA firefighters have cell towers removed
- Paul Heroux Testimony
- Professor Antony Miller video on the dangers of wireless radiation and the research and why he believes wireless radiation causes cancer.
- Short video on negative effects of mobile phones
- Theodora Scarato, Environmental Trust Executive Director
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) & Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR)
- 5G not so smart
- 5G rollout consequences
- 5G technology used as weapons
- 5G Wireless Telecommunication Expansion - Public Health and Environmental Implications
- Are we ignoring the dangers of mobile phones?
- Bailiwick Express 5G Article 1st July 2019
- British Doctors warn about WIFI and Cell-phone risks 2014
- CICRA 14th June 2019 David Green Submission
- Country by Country rules & regulations. (Guernsey unlisted)
- Extract on RFR levels showing Guernsey & UK (ICNIRP) highest in the world
- Fibre-optic the better solution?
- George Carlo, scientist previously employed by the telecoms industry
- ICNIRP - Doctors call on governments to disregard ICNIRP guidelines
- ICNIRP - Other countries do not follow, so why does Guernsey?
- ICNIRP - Reliable?
- ICNIRP - Scientist criticises guidelines
- ICNIRP - Scientists question the methodology
- ICNIRP - Scientific studies show harm well below limits
- ICNIRP sets highest radiation limits which Guernsey adopts
- Impact of EMF limits on 5G
- Litigation cases past and present
- Planetary electromagnetic pollution
- Radio Frequency Radiation
- RFR - Country comparisons with health danger
- RFR - Levels study 17 March 2019
- Samsung laptop warning
- Scientific study results when industry funded
- Sleep RFR effects
- Swiss-Re recognises 5G as a high risk emerging theme
- Tumours and RFR (Dr Davis)
- Tumours triple for under 20s around ear and mouth
- What the Telecoms Industry tells its investors but not the public
- WIFI from a laptop
- Wi-Fi in Schools
- WIFI hyperglycemia
- Workers exposures to EMFs
Environmental Consequences
- Exposure of Insects to RadioFrequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to 120GHz 5G
- Grand Teton National Park 2019 (All you need to know)
- Honey bees & Cellphone radiation
- Honey bees & RFR
- Honey bees Colony Collapse cellphone
- House prices negatively affected by masts
- Network electricity usage through 5G could jump to 170% by 2026
- Phone mast wipes £50k off house value
- Precautionary principle re environmental science
Mobile Mast Warnings
- 14 die living near mobile masts
- Biological Effects from Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation
- Cancer clusters living near Mobile Masts
- Cancer clusters near towers
- Cancer scientific study near mobile masts
- Consequences of 5G masts
- Exposure to RF EMF from Array Antennas in 5G Mobile Communication Equipment
- Health Improves When Mobile Mast Removed From Building
- High level radiation scientific study near Stockholm apartments
- Impact of Radiofrequency Radiation on DNA Damage re Humans Residing by Mobile Phone Base Stations
- Letters From Doctors on WiFi in Schools And Cell Towers On Schools
- Mobile masts health changes
- Mobile masts negative health effect
- Mobile masts study
- Mobile phone masts warning India
- Mobile towers RF exposure
- Ramazzini 2018 study on cell tower radiation shows tumours
- Scientific studies on cell tower radiation
Do we ever learn?
- 20,679 physicians say "Luckies are less irritating"
- Asbetos: First doctor spoke out in 1906!
- Emissions scandal: Car manufacturers accused of collusion
- L&M filters are just what the Doctor ordered
- Mad Cow Disease
- Marlboro Baby Poster
- More Doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette! (1)
- More Doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette! (2)
- Not one single case of throat irritation due to smoking Camels!
- Pharma fines 2001-2017 in USA exceed $38 billion. Profits exceed $700 billion!
- Roundup: Industry reassures us in 2016 it's safe!
- Tobacco health fears already prevalent in 1950s
- Tobacco industry legal cases first big win in 2000!
- Thalidomide
Human Health Risks
- 1965 evidence nervous system affected by microwaves
- 1976 evidence RFR problems
- 3G oxidative stress
- 50% cell phone radiation absorbed in our bodies!
- 5G a great risk to our health - Professor Martin Pall PhD
- 5G sweat glands act as antennas
- Absorption of wireless radiation in the child versus adult brain and eye
- American Academy of Pediatrics letter to FCC USA
- Are rises in EMF the tripping point for increases in neurological deaths
- Autism and EMFs Martha Herbert PhD, MD Harvard
- Autism, dementia, Alzheimers
- Babies and children
- Brain cancer doubles in UK
- Brain Proteome Response re Mobile Phone or Wireless DECT Base-Radiation
- Brain tissue and Autism
- Breast cancer from Mobile phones
- Breast cancer in women
- Breast cancer mobile phones
- Cellphone exposure kills brain cells
- Cancer Epidemiology Update re Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields
- Children greater absorption (Dr Davis)
- Children sensitivity to electromagnetic fields
- Childrens health and wireless devices
- Dental association warning
- Dependence of Non-thermal Biological Effects of Microwaves on Physical and Biological Variables
- Diabetes 1971 evidence
- Diplomats' mystery illness linked to radiofrequency/microwave radiation
- DNA damage mobile phone users
- Doctors warnings for children and emfs
- Dosimetric Simulations of Brain Absorption ofMobile phone radiation
- Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy - Multiple Health Problems
- Dr Gerd Oberfeld - EMFs & Human Disease
- Electromagnetic Absorption in the Head of Adults and Children
- Electro-hypersensitivity
- Electro-hypersensitivity now an occupational disease in France
- EMF bioeffects
- EMFs are biologically active
- EMF cardiovascular disease
- EMF conclusions
- EMF non ionising health effects
- EMFs Oxidative Stress
- Enzymes EMFs
- EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016
- Exposure Limits The underestimation of absorbed radiation
- Fibre optic safer Dr Davis
- Foetus exposure to EMFs
- Genetic damage mobile phone users
- Genetic damage
- Guernsey telecom strategy promising health and happiness
- Health effects of Electromagnetism Detailed Report (Paul Heroux PhD)
- Human brain negative effects
- Human Exposure to RF Fields in 5G Downlink
- Impact of RFR on DNA damage and antioxidants in peripheral blood lymphocytes of humans residing in the vicinity of mobile phone
- International EMF Scientist Appeal
- Is safety being ignored?
- Liver and lung cancer
- Millennials health is dropping
- Mobile phone testicular damage
- Neuropsychiatric effects EMFs
- Phones in bras
- Pregnant women
- Q&A about Wi-Fi in schools
- RFR and children's eyes
- SAR ratings - 89% of phones exceed the limit
- SAR methods outdated
- SAR ratings with body contact! (Dr Devra Davis)
- SAR ratings: Mobile phones exceed limits
- Sleep RFR effects
- Sperm count drop
- Sperm damage nearly halves in four hours
- Sperm reduction and damage
- SURE health and safety statement
- The Human Skin as a sub-THz Receiver
- Toxicology and Cellular Mechanisms of EMF
- Tumours and RFR (Dr Devra Davis)
- Tumours triple for under 20s around ear and mouth
- We're not supposed to hold the phone near our body!
- WIFI from a laptop
- Wi-Fi is an Important Threat to Human Health
- WIFI hyperglycemia
Useful Websites
Thank you!
for taking the time to visit our website. Please email us if you wish to become involved to help persuade our caring and responsible politicians to “Say No to 5G in Beautiful Guernsey”. Please share with others if you are concerned.
Our thanks also go to all the international doctors, scientists and websites who have gone public with their knowledge for us to learn more as per the many links above so we can see for ourselves the risks of wireless radiation.
We are really grateful to the international doctors and scientists who have already written to our caring decision makers with the scientific evidence. Special thanks to Dr Devra Davis (and her team at the Environmental Health Trust), the highly distinguished world leading epidemiologist who was a senior scientist on Al Gore’s Nobel Peace prize 2007 team. Other expert letters are on the way. (Expert Advice)